Aug 19,2017
The four performers – Gandini co-founder Kati Ylä-Hokkala, Bharatanatyam choreographer Seeta Patel, dancer Indu Panday and juggler Kim Huynh – stagger introductions to themselves throughout the show. These are complete with the dates and places of the birth of their parents; a plotting in time and space of the lines reaching backwards and intersecting human lives.
This sense of interconnectivity, that everything can be read as a pattern, channels a current through the show that is quietly mesmerising. Juggling balls seem to travel horizontally across vertical lines, spotlit hands produce an infinite variation of geometries and melt in and out of holding a red ball, connections are drawn between Bob Fosse\'s jazz choreography and Bharatanatyam postures. Underscoring it all is music with mathematical structures – electro pips, metallic percussion, Bach\'s Goldberg Variations.
Technical Support: Magic Lamp - Website